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Individual Book Details: C0034

Record Date
Collection Name
1840 Nauvoo
Ownership Type
Special Collections
Utah State University
Logan, UT
1840 Book of Mormon, Smith Inscriptions
No official details. Joseph Smith inscription on title page. Eliza Smith (illegible town), Michigan.

Unique Features
Spine: Refurbished cover and spine. Old spine adhered to rebound spine. Five panels separated by gold horizontal ribbed lining.
Spine Lettering and Label: Black title ribbon on second to top spine panel. Gold block lettering visible. Vertical cracking between book and of, & second set M and O.
Cover: Rebound volume. Old cover overlaid on new cover. Noticeable wear on upper and lower outer corners.
Binding: Rebound cover with new pastedown and endpaper. Original pastedown cut out and adhered to inside pastedown listing details regarding if this book is borrowed to return it back.
Title Page: First title page: present and intact. Water staining on lower left section and lighter discoloration in upper right section. Inscription of Joseph Smith in pencil under title. Light/erased illegible inscription above the title, difficult to see. Back page verso: library call numbers in pencil in lower left corner. Second title page: Matching water staining on upper right and lower left sections. Paper wear and crackling on outer edges.
Text: Diminishing water staining through front to page 30.
Inscription: Front pastedown: “If thou art borrowed by a friend, Right welcome shalt thou be to read to study, not to lend but to return to me not that imparted knowledge doth diminish learning there But books I find if often lent return to me no more, Read Heavenly, Pause frequently think seriously Keep Heavenly return duly with powers/corners(SP) of…” rest missing. Title Page: “Joseph Smith” inscription in pencil. page 499, unknown annotation in pencil above chapter heading. Back pastedown: Eliza Smith, (illegible town) Michigan in with vertical text (illegible) in pencil.
Notes: Witness pages on separated leaves. There is opportunity for research on this volume as the pastedown inscription is long enough to find handwriting matches elsewhere. Also, the Joseph Smith inscription is has not been verified/authenticated, nor is there knowledge on the Eliza Smith inscription in the back pastedown.
